According to dermatologists, blackheads are comedones. Now, what even are these ‘comedones’? They are nothing but dirt and debris gathered in the open pores of our skin.
We have pores all over our body so why do we likely get blackheads on the nose, chin, and forehead? Actually, these are the places where we have too many oil glands.
When the oil glands produce excess oil, the dirt gets trapped and starts to pile up in the pores and this is what we call blackheads.
DIY Nose Pack for Pesky Blackheads

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If you have oily skin then you would likely have dealt with these pesky blackheads.
What to Expect?
Stubborn blackheads are deep-rooted and they don’t easily go with simple face or nose packs. They need to be extracted either by nose strips (not highly recommended by dermats) or blackhead extraction tools (they hurt and led to irritated red skin). And I am speaking from my experience.
This quick DIY did help with my severe blackhead case. It removed those visible blackheads but it was NOT a clean sweep.
But my Blackhead Skincare Regime is the real deal. I mentioned it here so that I remember to link it up as soon as I am done with the draft.
This is a three-ingredient pack. All the ingredients are affordable and easily accessible anywhere.
1. Bentonite Clay: Bentonite clay powder is generally what people use but I like to use a triple clay mix in paste form containing Bentonite clay, Fuller’s earth, or Kaolin clay.
2. Rice Flour: Coarsely ground rice flour is best for this pack.
3. Honey Water- Use pure honey if you have but I only have packaged honey so I use that.

Preparation Time
Just 2 minutes are more than enough to prepare this pack!
Make on Your Own
Making this pack is a two-step process. First, we need to prepare honey water and then add in the other ingredients. Let’s see how the steps go!

I. Making Honey Water
1. Take 2-3 tablespoons of lukewarm water.
2. Add 1/2 tablespoon honey to it and give it a good stir so that the honey dissolves completely.
You can prepare a little extra to use later.

II. Making the Nose Pack
1. Take 1 tablespoon bentonite clay and 1/2 tablespoon rice flour to a container.
2. Now, add the honey water we prepared earlier little by little and mix so that the consistency becomes thick yet smooth. Voila! Your nose pack is ready.

First, cleanse the skin with a mild and soap-free cleanser and apply a moisturizing toner. Apply plain aloe vera gel in a thick gel mask form to the rest of the face leaving the blackhead-prone areas. Now, apply the bentonite clay mask on the left-out areas and wait for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, wet the masked area a little with the same honey water we prepared earlier and gently rub the mask off with a soft muslin cloth.

Why Bentonite Clay, Rice Flour, and Honey Water?
1. Bentonite Clay: Bentonite clay is a moisturizing clay that houses multiple minerals. Most mineral clays have a very drying texture but this amazing clay soothes the skin with its creamy texture.
It helps in reducing excess oil from the skin without sucking out the natural moisture balance of the skin. This clay helps in uprooting deep blackheads and dries up pimples.
2. Rice Flour: Rice flour soothes the skin and its strong anti-inflammatory properties help in calming the skin. It also acts as a scrub to loosen the deep-rooted blackheads.
3. Honey Water: Honey water is a great nourishing toner that restores the skin’s pH balance and rejuvenates. This awesome ingredient is a great face pack base and a substitute for rose water for dry skin.

Tiny Tips
1. Do a patch test before usage. If you have sensitive skin, it is best to skip it.
2. If you have active pimples, do not use the pack or mess with them.
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