You are here because you want your perfume to last long so that you can smell amazing throughout the day. I like investing in perfume and them leaving me so quickly would make me sad too.
In today’s post, we discuss how to apply perfume to make it long-lasting. You know different application techniques – some dos and don’ts. Of course no hard rules, you do you. So let’s go.
8 Smart Beauty Hacks For Long-Lasting Perfume

1. Apply Perfume Right After Shower
The best time to apply perfume is after a hot shower. Your pores are clean and well open after a shower, and perfume gets synced in perfectly. (Yeah, I said synced in ’cause I wanted to use that word so bad lol.)
Do not rub dry right after the shower. Instead, pat dry gently. And this is exactly when you apply perfume. Pulse point, for example, is a good perfume spot. Here is where to apply and not apply perfume.
2. Moisturizer is your Friend
We all know that moisturizer is necessary. But there are more benefits to it. This one is a multi-purpose hack. It keeps the fragrance and perfume, both last long.
Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly or any unscented body lotion before wearing perfume. So, the best time for perfume is post-shower while using body lotion.
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The oil in lotion traps the scent, making it last long. The fragrance will last longer than usual and won’t fade away.
Applying perfume on dry skin allows it to evaporate and leave easily. So, perfume with moisturizer.

3. Spray is the Way
(Yep, I wrote this heading. It sounds lame, I already know, alright.)
Rubbing is the classic way to apply perfume. We have seen it everywhere: in movies, dramas, or whatever you binge.
But let me be the bearer of this not-so-good news, rubbing is a no-go. Rubbing perfume is a no-go. There, I fixed it for you.
We all are tempted to spray perfume, on wrists generally, and rub them against each other for better absorption cause that’s how it is supposed to work.
But this is not it. On the contrary, it does eliminate the fragrance faster and we don’t want that because my bottle is expensive.
It would be best if you sprayed separately at all the spraying zones.
4. Strong Perfume, Lasts Long
Strength is the virtue belle. Strong perfume lasts longer than weak base notes. By strong perfume, I am referring to strong base notes for the uninitiated. The fragrance lingers throughout the day and won’t disappear out of the blue.
5. Apply Them Correctly
Spraying perfume in the air and walking through it, ah so classy and elegant NOT. You don’t want to waste your expensive (or even non-expensive!) perfume like that.
This technique of application leads to perfume fading away quickly. You should apply fragrance at the right spots.

6. Store Properly
Avoid storing your perfume in the bathroom. Humidity, harsh temperature or even sunlight for that matter can spoil the perfume.
You should store perfume in cool, dry, and dark places to preserve its quality and avoid any alteration. Closets, drawers, and any closed places are good to go.
7. Layering is The Key
(Initially, the heading was Layering is where the magic lies. But then I was like it is too much. So we toned it down for you.)
You can always mix and match different scents to create something unique of your own. It is like your fragrance, your signature scent, only you smell so divine.
Try mixing different bases or fragrances that complement each other. Vanilla as a strong base is easy to combine with other notes.

8. Add Similar Fragrance
Scented lotion, cream or body wash – you can add these alongside your fragrance to create that lingering scent. It is best done when all these are of matching scent to oomph the scent.
That’s a wrap for now. Share your favorite perfume hacks in the comments below.
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