7 Self-Care Habits To Wake Up Refresh Every Morning

Many of us wake up tired and grumpy in the morning. Half the time, we rush to bathe, brush, get ready, and head to work. However, have you ever considered whether this can be changed?

Well, the answer is a big yes! Adopt these 7 habits to kick start your day on a more balanced note.

7 Habits To Wake Up Refreshed Each Morning

Self-Care Habits

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Let’s start.

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1. Hydrate

Your body uses up a lot of water overnight. When you get up in the morning, the first thing you should do is drink a full glass of water. Not just a quick sip, but proper intake.

It is best to drink lukewarm water, else room-temperature should be just fine!

You can also use a mason jar to prepare detox water by adding a few mint leaves or cucumber slices to add some flavor to regular water.

2. Head Outside For a Jog

Our bodies are programmed to wake up to natural light. So, when you get up in the morning, step out to your porch and indulge in some stretching exercises to release all the built-up tension in your major muscle groups.

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If you wake up early, you can even manage to go out for a jog around the block and get some fresh oxygen. Oxygen has a way to make you feel more refreshed and energetic, instantly.

Not only does 30 minutes of exercise refresh you but also makes your metabolism function more effectively. It improves circulation and burns extra calories.

3. Music Pumps You Up

Once you are back from your morning exercise, turn on some music to your liking.

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It is recommended that you listen to positive music in morning to balance out your brain and start your day. Anything that makes you happy, serves the purpose.

The combination of good music and exercise helps to release happy hormones in your body and decreases the levels of sleep hormones. So, you feel more prepared to face the day!

You can also try to listen to ‘happy’ music when upset and ‘sad’ only when in a good mood. This allows you to have more control over your emotions instead of letting your emotions take the wheel.

4. Have a Nutritious Breakfast

Do not be a coffee person (I know this is hard if you’re always on the get-go like me!). Instead, have a nutritious breakfast that energizes you for the day.

Have a bowl full of fresh fruits alongside your favorite kinda milk, oat, almond, or coconut.

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You may have sprouts or oats along to fill up. This gives you enough nutrients to get through the day and also prevents hunger cravings.

5. Organize Your Stuff At Night

If you are into a job, then it is important to get your important papers sorted for the next day. Lay out your dress, accessories, etc for the next morning. Basically, plan ahead, a day before.

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This not only saves you time in the morning but also saves you from a lot of mental stress.

If you are a mom, then, get your kid’s stuff ready during the night, itself. The morning should be clear and clutter-free, mentally and physically.

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6. Avoid Doomscrolling

At night, avoid late-night texting or endless scrolling on social media. This would save your time and give you ample time to rest your body.

Binge-watching later at night or being online on social media for a long duration, not only kills your time but also over-stimulates your brain making it difficult to fall asleep.

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7. Follow a Good Night Skincare Routine

Mornings are more often than not, rushed leaving you with hardly any time to follow a proper skincare regime.

At night, you still have enough time to pamper your skin. Use a good face wash for one minute to remove all the dirt and makeup particles.

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You can even use baby oil to get rid of makeup residues. Follow cleansing with scrubbing every alternate day to remove dead skin cells and tanning regularly.

Thereafter, use a toner to close your facial pores. End your night time skincare routine by using a good night cream and under eye cream.

These habits will help your wake up to a fresh looking, clean and refreshed skin in morning!

So, that is all about the 7 important habits to follow in order to wake up refreshed each morning. If you found this helpful, do share!

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7 Self Care Habits