24 Amazing Vaseline Hacks You Didn’t Know

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What if I told you that you have been using Vaseline wrong all along? Vaseline is just not grandma’s bestie but can be yours too. 

Vaseline is a magic jar that can help you with so much in your daily life. So here is a list of 24 Amazing Vaseline Hacks To Try ASAP. #15 is gold.

If you want to look prettier without makeup, Vaseline is one of the best bets. But hold up, here are 17 Amazing Ways To Look Pretty (and feel good) Without Makeup.

24 Amazing Vaseline Hacks You Didn’t Know


PS: Avoid Vaseline on acne-prone and oily areas. It can clog pores and cause breakouts or redness.

PPS: Do a patch test to make sure Vaseline suits you. Just because it works for everyone else, doesn’t mean it works for you too. Everyone is unique and so is our skin. 

  1. Chapped Lips No More

I mean this is obvious but so useful that it has to be on top. Dry, chapped lips? No more!

Just apply a lil Vaseline as a lip balm. Voila, you get moisturized and soft lips. No fancy lip balms needed.

Here is a detailed post on how to get rid of chapped lips easily.

How to get rid of Chapped Lips
  1. Long Lasting Perfume

Before applying your favorite fragrance, just dab some Vaseline to the best perfume-applying spots.

Vaseline traps the perfume and stops it from fading away. Instead, it lingers throughout the day. 

  1. Lip Mask

Love those fancy lip masks that look divine? Laneige, anyone? Vaseline can help you here real quick.

Just add a thick layer of Vaseline to your lips before heading to bed. It works as a great lip mask overnight. Wake up to smooth and plump lips. 

  1. Highlighter

Vaseline can be your highlighter too! Just dab some Vaseline on your cheekbones as you would generally do with a highlighter or blush.

The finish is smooth and glossy. Skin appears so good.

  1. Makeup Remover

Ran out of makeup remover? Vaseline to your rescue. Just because you’re out of makeup remover, doesn’t allow you to sleep with makeup on. (+ Avoid these silly beauty mistakes if you want to age like a fine wine.) 

Vaseline helps to remove makeup easily. It works great for waterproof makeup too. 

  1. Eyebrows

Want eyebrows to look sharp throughout the day?

Just apply some Vaseline using your mascara wand onto your brows. There you go. Eyebrows on fleek girl! 

  1. Flyover Hair

We all don’t like flyover hair. A little Vaseline does the trick. 

Not only flyovers, it also helps with frizzy hair at the end moment. Just take some Vaseline on your fingertips and apply gently.

Don’t overdo it because it will turn out greasy. Greasy hair is already bothersome! Here is why hair gets greasy even after a wash and how to fix it

Vaseline for Flyover Hair
  1. Soft Hands

Out of hand cream? Hands are dry and itchy? No worries! 

Vaseline can be your hand cream. Just apply it like your regular hand cream and you’re good to go. 

  1. Cuticle Cream

Vaseline is a great cuticle cream. Apply it to your nails and let it sit for a couple of minutes. This makes your nails healthy. 

  1. No More Dye Stain

Apply Vaseline generously to your hairline before coloring your hair. This protects you from dye stains all along. 

Vaseline Beauty Usage (2)
  1. Shaving Gel

Vaseline also works as a great shaving balm. So if you’re out of stock, just use Vaseline and you’ll get a similar result. 

  1. Protect Your Nail Cuticles

If you ain’t a pro or maybe in a rush, you get nail polish all over your cuticles and even skin. 

Just use some Vaseline. Apply it to your cuticles before painting your nails. After the nail polish dries down, wipe off the Vaseline.

Vaseline Beauty Usage (1)
  1. Split Ends

Split ends look damaged, coarse and frizzy because they’re all that. To fix it, add some Vaseline to your hair ends for the sleek clean girl look.

This helps to seal in moisture and prevent hair tips from being more dry.

  1. Shiny Nails

Get shiny glossy nails without using the top coat. Apply a little Vaseline to your nails and you’ll have shiny nails. 

  1. Revive Dried Mascara

Did mascara dry down? No worries! Add some Vaseline to the mascara wand and tighten it securely.

After a while, it’s working again! Here is another beauty hack to revive dried mascara

Beauty Makeup Hacks (1)
  1. Body Scrub

You can DIY a last-minute body scrub using Vaseline. Mix some coarse brown sugar with Vaseline and use it as a body scrub.

If you like DIY body scrubs, here is the popular DIY Coffee Scrub that feels and works amazing!

Easy DIY Coffee Lip Scrub
  1. Glossy Eyelids

Vaseline can help you achieve the runway model look. Just add a little Vaseline to your lids for that model look. 

  1. Stop Blisters

If your shoes hurt or rub against your skin. Add some Vaseline to those areas before wearing the footwear. Neither blisters won’t pop nor it will hurt.

  1. Smooth Heels

Cracked heels get worse in winter. If you also get cracked heels any time of the year, use Vaseline. 

Apply Vaseline like a lotion to your dry and cracked heels at night. Put on your socks. This overnight treatment for a couple of days will help you with cracked heels. 

  1. Cream Makeup

You can turn your regular eyeshadow or lipstick into a creamy texture by adding some Vaseline. 

If you’re into gloss and smooth texture, you will love this one for sure.

  1. Get Stuck Ring Off

Need help with getting the stuck ring off? Use Vaseline on the ring and watch it slide smooth like butter. (Army assemble!)

  1. Lip Scrub

Similar to body scrub, you can use Vaseline to create a lip scrub at home. Mix Vaseline with sugar and some honey. And you have a perfect DIY lip scrub ready.

  1. Soothe Skin

Vaseline can protect your skin from windburn and cold temperatures. Use Vaseline as a lotion to soothe and protect your skin.

Vaseline acts as a protective barrier and works great for dry, flaky skin.

  1. Blackheads Removal

Blackheads? They can be really bothersome. Here is a proper skincare regime for blackheads and clogged pores. Let’s remove blackheads from the root.

Coming back to the Vaseline trick, apply a thin layer of Vaseline to blackhead-prone areas.

Next, steam your face. Gently use a blackhead extractor tool to remove blackheads. Clean up using a gentle soap-free cleanser.

This brings us to the end. Which is your favorite Vaseline hack? Share in the comments below. 

Here is another post on 9 Smart Vaseline Beauty Uses To Try RN

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Vaseline Beauty Hacks