9 Genius Perfume Hacks You Should Know

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Hi, welcome to Beauty Bruh. Today, let’s talk about 9 Amazing Fragrance Tips and Perfume Hacks to smell good throughout the day. ‘Cause who wants to smell foul anyway.

9 Smart Perfume Hacks and Fragrance Tips To Try

Best Perfume Hacks to try

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1. Hair Fragrance

Hair fragrance helps you to smell good. It is made specifically for hair, so it doesn’t dry out your hair. Hair mist is a good option if you have a smelly hair problem and want good-smelling hair throughout the day.

Hair Fragrance

2. Let It Dry Down

Perfume should dry down before you sniff it for the fragrance check. Fragrance takes time to settle down. When you spray perfume, that smell is present only initially. The real scent is the one that comes through after a while.

So while shopping for your next perfume, be patient.

3. Store Properly

Avoid storing your perfume in the bathroom. Humidity, harsh temperature or even sunlight for that matter can spoil the perfume.

You should store perfume in cool, dry, and dark places to preserve its quality and avoid any alteration. Closets, drawers, and any closed places are good to go.

4. Adjusting Fragrance

You can adjust fragrance by using different application techniques. You can go for a light fragrance if you have a sensitive nose or if the event doesn’t need a strong scent.

Spray a lil perfume in the air and walk through it. This technique of application leads to a light scent.

But if you want long-lasting perfume, then do check out 8 Smart Beauty Hacks to Make Your Perfume Last Long.

Applying Perfume Correctly

5. Where to Spray

The best place is where heat is produced so that perfume can do its magic. Different spots are recommended by experts.

We got you covered. Here is an article where we dig this in detail – 7 Best Places To Apply Perfume. Additionally, you should avoid these places for perfume.

6. Unscented Lotion

This is an amazing hack for quick and busy weekday mornings. Before applying your perfume, apply a thin layer of unscented lotion underneath. This traps the fragrance in the oil, making it last long.

7. Layering

You can always mix and match different scents to create something unique. It is like your fragrance, your signature scent, only you smell so divine.

Try mixing different bases or fragrances that complement each other. Vanilla as a strong base is easy to combine with other notes.

8. Spraying Only

Rubbing is the classic way to apply perfume. We have seen it everywhere: in movies, dramas, or whatever you binge.

But let me be the bearer of this not-so-good news, rubbing is a no-go. Rubbing perfume is a no-go. There, I fixed it for you.

We all are tempted to spray perfume, on wrists generally, and rub them against each other for better absorption cause that’s how it is supposed to work.

But this is not it. On the opposite, it does eliminate the fragrance faster and we don’t want that because my bottle is expensive.

It would be best if you sprayed separately at all the spraying zones.

9. Matching Scent

Scented lotion, cream or body wash, you can add these alongside your fragrance to create that lingering scent. It is best done when all these match the scent to oomph the smell.

This brings us to the end of this article. Let me know what you think in the comments below.

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Amazing Fragrance Hacks